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  • * Select the type of insurance.
  • * Press the QUOTE button - We will be communicating as indicated by you. THANK YOU


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BOAT Insurance – Boats

This policy is designed to provide the most complete protection for your boat, including liability cover. It also provides cover for the trailer and your personal effects.



I already Like any large investment, boats and yachts need insurance coverage. Some insurance companies have developed a yacht policy to cover your needs when insuring your boat.

This policy offers you among other covers:

  • Property damage caused by a collision with a submerged object or some other vessel.
  • Trailer.
  • Personal effects.
  • Liability for damage to the property of others.
  • Jet Ski.
  • Medical Expenses.

Benefits and advantages

Property and Contingency insurance offers policyholders a series of benefits and advantages that, together with the best covers, provide peace of mind to them and their families.

  • Boat insurance is a policy designed to provide protection total to your pot.
  • All policyholders have access to our Seguros Puerto Rico offices.


The benefits of the BOAT policy are:


  • Property coverage benefits
    The insured boat and the equipment required for its maintenance and use. The policy covers direct and accidental loss, or damage to your boat and your trailer.
  • Trailer cover benefits
    The trailer is covered for direct and accidental loss or damage caused by the fire, lightning, windstorm, explosion or collision.
  • Benefits of liability coverage
    Damages are included for bodily injury or property damage to a person other than the insured and caused by the insured vessel.
  • Benefits of personal effects coverage
    The insured’s personal effects are covered while they are on board, being embarked or disembarked from the insured boat, provided that the boat is afloat.


At Seguros Puerto Rico, we can offer you a wide variety of insurance according to your needs with different insurance companies.

We care about offering the maximum protection for your home or business against unexpected situations etc. That is why we offer you a series of insurances that they can improve your quality of life and make you feel more secure in any eventuality.

Quote your commercial and personal insurance now!
Please fill out the application or call our offices. Thank you.

WWW.INSURANCE.PR always with you, to serve you.

- At Seguros Puerto Rico we advise you so that you have peace of mind and know that you are protected, with the help of our staff.

- Contact us with any questions about your COMMERCIAL and PERSONAL insurance. We are the # 1 web page in INSURANCE (SEGUROS).